Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Greek s Education System - 1173 Words
The Greek’s education system was heavily influenced by tradition, externally and internally. Externally, the Greek’s education was affected because of the reinforcement and promotion of classical studies. Classical studies included subjects similar to Classical Greek Literature, grammar, history, and religion. Since the majority of the teaching time allotted was for literature, it made a huge impact on the education system since it left such a minuscule amount of time to teach mathematics. Internally, one of the main reasons that math has survived in Greek education system was because of â€Å"its flourish during antiquity (Gagatsis, Demetriadou 106).†Meaning that math grew during a time period of greatness in Greece and therefore was highly accepted because it â€Å"serves as an image of the glorious past (Gagatsis, Demetriadou 106).†Because the Greek’s education system was influenced by tradition, they favored traditional geometry over vec tor geometry because it made the students use logical procedure. When doing a study with different Greek students, they seem to have split into three different categories of learning. The first group of students were strongly influenced by previous teachings. They seem to fit into traditional thinking of the early Greek system. The second group of students supported vector methods and used them in solving geometry problems. They appreciated the standard ways of vector geometry- â€Å"therefore the dependency on theory and strict procedureShow MoreRelatedThe Conviction Of Christian Parents784 Words  | 4 Pagesprovide their children with the Bible-based moral education in a pagan Roman society was a driving force behind the Christian school education that emerged in the early centuries. When Christians were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire after the destruction of Jerusalem, Christian parents - both Jewish and Gentile- faced a dilemma for their children s education. T he Jewish people had a long history of their commitment to the spiritual education of their children. They were the first to establishRead MoreSparta Vs Athens Vs. Athens1722 Words  | 7 PagesAthens The two dominating Greek city states, Sparta and Athens, have there own strengths that make them the strongest throughout Greece. Sparta is located in the southeastern Peloponnesus, in an area known as Laconia (Spielvogel 53). 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