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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Double Helix – Character Guide
Twofold Helix Readers Guide * Max Perutz †was the leader of the unit where Crick works at Cambridge University. Perutz additionally shared significant X-beam crystallography symbolism with Watson and Crick that he had gotten from Maurice Wilkins and Franklin. Regardless of whether he should give this data to Watson and Crick without Franklin’s information is obscure, nor is it completely realized how significant her work was to the revelation of the structure. Sir Lawrence Bragg †the leader of the Cavendish research facility at Cambridge college, met with much obstruction from Watson and particularly Crick. Bragg is the most youthful ever Nobel prize victor, which he won for the revelation of the Bragg low of X-beam crystallography. Bragg likewise composed the foreword to Watson’s book, adding significantly to the decency of the book. * John Kendrew †English instructed, additionally worked in the Cavendish research center under the course of Bragg. Worked intimately with Perutz and shared the 1962 Nobel prize with him for their work on X-beam crystallography. Erwin Schrodinger †his book What is Life was an incredible motivation to Watson, who concurred that numerous insider facts can be revealed if the logical world committed itself to disclosure of what the genuine mysteries of life are * O. T. Avery †significant in light of the fact that their examination on DNA/protein after Griffiths probe the changing variable, was unequivocal enough for Watson to accept that DNA was the hereditary material (not protein as was accepted) * Max Delbruck †spearheaded bacteriophage research which permitted Hershey and Chase to direct their tests with radioactive marking. Maurice Wilkins †was Rosalind Franklin’s accomplice in X-beam crystallography and assumed a significant job in giving Watson the B-structure of DNA that Franklin and Gosling had made. Franklin, Gosling and Wilkins all worked at King’s College, Lond on. * Rosalind Franklin †Although Franklin had not consented to the trade Wilkins had made (giving of B-structure symbolism to Watson), her work demonstrated that DNA was helical and that the bases were within with the sugar phosphates outwardly (as she had said all along).In short, her 3 commitments were pivotal to Watson’s advancement of the model, despite the fact that the B-model refuted one of her hypotheses yet a few right. Besides, Watson and Franklin had a warmed relationship, which prompted many warmed discussions and at times even clashes. * Linus Pauling †the best scientist throughout the entire existence of the United States, worked at Cal Tech and was the nearest rivalry to Watson and Crick in the revelation of the structure of DNA. Renowned for the disclosure of the hydrogen bond and the alpha-helical structure of protein.He’s likewise well known for distributing an off-base model of DNA (three strands) for which he saw significant open shame. * Herman Kalkar †was the leader of the lab in Copenhagen where Watson did phage research not long after he graduated. He didn't make the most of his time in Copenhagen, which is the reason he left not long after arriving. * Salvador Luria †James Watson was Luria’s first alumni understudy at the University of Indiana. Luria would proceed to accomplish pivotal work with phages in organic chemistry. He would later win the Nobel prize for medication alongside Hershey and Delbruck for their work on phages. J. T. Randall †was the leader of the King’s College lab group with Wilkins as his representative. He shared the 1962 Nobel prize with Watson and cramp * Dorothy Hodgkin †was the other significant female character in the book. Both of the ladies plainly battled in a world that was intensely commanded by men. Be that as it may, Hodgkin was known to coexist with men obviously superior to Franklin. She said this was a direct result of her sex, while Frankli n encountered the inverse. Franklin and Hodgkin worked intently in the consideration of the DNA structure. The two researchers were X-beam crystallographers.Hodgkin won the 1964 Nobel prize for science * Willy Seeds †was renowned for calling Watson â€Å"honest Jim. †Worked with Maurice Wilkins in the King’s research center and was celebrated for his spearheading chip away at the DNA filaments. Him calling Watson legitimate Jim was plainly mockery since they King’s researchers were still mad about Watson taking their information to make his model * R. G. Gosling †this was Franklin’s lab accomplice at King’s College lab * Erwin Chargaff †found the bases in the purines and pyrimidines (twofold and single ring) and furthermore found that A matches with T and C matches with G.Gave Watson a significant piece of information in his model structure, that he needed to coordinate the bases. * Al Hershey †was a researcher that was known f or leading the last confirmation of DNA being the inherited material. Their analysis finished the race and guaranteed the logical world that DNA was the acquired material. * Martha Chase †was Hershey’s lab accomplice, and was one of only a handful scarcely any other ladies in the logical world * Peter Pauling †Linus’ child, came to concentrate in London and Watson demonstrated him around. In the process Peter gave Watson some significant indications that his dad was drawing near to the disclosure of the alpha helical structure.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Efficient Market Hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Productive Market Hypothesis - Essay Example The productive market hypothesis accept that there are no exchange costs, currency advertise isn't fragmented and it is anything but difficult to enter the currency markets. Proficient market speculation is clarified in three different ways. To begin with, there is feeble structure productivity. Frail structure effectiveness specifies that all past data that is accessible in open area is an impression of stock costs. The costs are viewed as fair-minded and best estimation of security esteem. It presumes that it is difficult to anticipate future costs utilizing past data through specialized investigation (Pompian, 2006). Hence, a financial specialist can't utilize specialized investigation to anticipate future costs that are probably going to give abundance benefits (returns). Also, there is Semi-solid structure proficiency. This type of proficiency specifies that all openly accessible data reflects costs of stock. It further expresses that costs change in a flash as new data is made accessible. Crucial examination can't be depended upon to produce overabundance comes back to the financial specialist. Thirdly, there is solid structure effectiveness. As indicated by this type of productivity, costs are reflected by both private (insider) and open data. This implies all speculators independent of whether they have insider data or not, make equivalent benefits on their ventures. It further accept that insider exchanging laws are generally upheld. This implies clueless financial specialists who buy a differentiated portfolio are probably going to make same benefits as those made by industry specialists. Effective market speculation is related with ‘random walk’. Hence, if data stream isn't hampered and voyages quickly in any speculation particularly stock estimating, the present cost reflects current news (Boatright, 2010). In this way, current costs rely upon current news and not yesterday’s news. In any case, news is typically unusual and accor dingly value changes of speculations are likewise prone to be eccentric and arbitrary. As indicated by the proficient market speculation, news spread rapidly and new data is immediately consolidated into the costs of interest in stocks immediately. This shows there is no requirement for specialized examination from past value developments to foresee development of costs. Lee (2009) clarified that productive market theory presumes that huge number of benefit boosting speculators exists. It additionally gives that new data must enter the market haphazardly and freely after some time. Productive market theory has been tested by financial experts who accept that there are mental and conduct factors that anticipate degrees of profitability. As indicated by Malkiel (2003), the new type of budgetary market analysts accepts that costs are entirely or incompletely unsurprising dependent on personal conduct standards of individual financial specialists and key valuation measurements. They add itionally contended that consistency of future stock costs empower financial specialists to procure overabundance benefits on their ventures. Various business analysts, analysts and different specialists have expressed that Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is to be faulted for the worldwide monetary emergency that happened in 2007-2010. This is a direct result of various reasons progressed by number of individuals. To start with, as indicated by Jeremy Grantham, individuals had a great deal of confidence in productive market theory. This made them to toss alert noticeable all around and belittle the danger of benefits bubbles since they accepted that advantage showcase had the option to change itself in like manner (Nocera, 2009). The financial specialists,
Friday, August 14, 2020
Anne Brontë, Anger, and the Resonance of Assault in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Anne Brontë, Anger, and the Resonance of Assault in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Anne Brontë was angry as hell. Two weeks ago, on a whim and the kind of Brontë kick that good, gloomy autumn weather often inspires in me, I decided to reread The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I hadnt read it in years but within minutes of cracking the pages, I was struck by this fact all over again: Anne Brontë was angry. Her reputation as the least interesting and exciting of the Brontë sisters, the piety of her novels, and the contemporary accounts of her as mild, meek, and gentle obscure this fact, but she was. Anne Brontës anger is evident in virtually every page of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, her second, final, and most famous novel. In it she depicts, with what was for the time, graphic detail, the physical decline of a debauched rake and the emotional and psychological abuses he inflicts. She exposes how a bad marriages to a bad man can trap, subjugate and oppress a woman. She excoriates a society that is fraught with dangers and seeks only to keep them in the dark. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a sort of layered epistolary novel. Its first and final quarters of consist of letters written by gentleman farmer named Gilbert Markham to his brother-in-law looking back on Gilberts growing intimacy with a mysterious widow, Helen. Sandwiched in between Gilberts letters is Helens diary, reproduced in full, detailing her terrible marriage to the reprobate Arthur Huntington. Huntington is utterly dissolute: he is flagrantly adulterous; he consumes both alcohol and opium in excess; he manipulates and abuses his wife, and deliberately corrupts his young son. Under English law at the time Brontë wrote her novel, women were not permitted to own property separate from their husbands, could not have custody of their children, and could be compelled to return their husbands if they left. Brontë presents Helens marriage as an impossible trap: the law does not permit Helen to leave but Helens moral integrity and concern for her sons welfare do not allow her to stay. She endures Huntingtons physical and mental decline and flagrant infidelities until she can endure them no longer and risks everything to leave him. In depicting Huntingtons decline and his tyranny over a household, it is generally accepted that Brontë drew from life. Her brother Branwell abused alcohol and opium for much of his adult life, and squandered the few opportunities the Brontë family could give him, including when he got fired from a position with Annes longterm employers for having an affair with the lady of the house. Indeed, Anne Brontë seemed generally motivated by a strong desire to throw back the veil on all that she had seen and experienced. In her preface to the second edition of the book she stated her intention in writing plainly: I wished to tell the truth, for the truth always conveys its own moral to those who are able to receive it. Even in this Preface, Brontës anger is evident. She chafes against critics that called her novel coarse and brutal and called for her to to be more circumspect in her portrayal of evil. When we have to do with vice and vicious characters, she counters, I maintain it is better to depict them as they are than as they would wish to appear. As I reread her novel and as the news of the past few weeks unfolded, this particular passage, this passionate resistance of the duplicity of vice and vicious characters, stuck with me. Because I became angry too. ********** Helen’s decision to leave her husband has been described as the door slam heard across Victorian England. It was an electrifying moment for a society that was in the midst of grappling with the legal rights of women and starting to reckon with womens subjugation in marriage, the law and society at large. But what struck me when rereading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall werent the most dramatic moments of marital betrayal; it was the unsettling familiarity of the smaller, everyday indignities and abuse that characterize Helens relationships with all the men in her life, and especially a particular pattern of violation that repeats throughout the novel. In the early days of their courtship and engagement Helen is infatuated with Huntington and inclined to chalk his treatment of her as his natural passion overwhelming his sense of propriety. But the language Bronte has her use to describe their interactions belies a mounting concern and awareness of their violent tenor. In one of their earliest interactions, Helen records how “[H]e seized my hand and held it, much against my will … ‘Let me go, Mr. Huntington’ … I made a desperate effort to free my hand from his grasp … ‘I will go!’ cried I… the instant he released my hand he had the audacity to put his arm around my neck and kiss me.†This is the first but not the last of many such instances; in another, Helen describes how Huntington nearly squeez[ed] me to death and smothered me with kisses over her protests and repeated requests to stop. After a few years of marriage, Huntington’s affection for his wife (such as it was) vanishes, but his violations do not. At a party in their own home, Helen finds her husband kissing his friend’s wife. Huntington adds insult to injury by ridiculing Helen and falls to his knees in front of Helen in a sarcastic public apology. When Helen tries to leave quietly and deny him the reaction he so clearly wants, he follows her up the stairs to block her escape. Helen writes that he “caught me in his arm,†and insisted ‘No, no, by heaven, you shant escape me so!’†Helen is victimized but angry: she describes herself in a passion, warning her husband against continuing to treat her this way and looking steadfastly on him till he almost quailed before me. Helen suffers similarly at the hands of Walter Hargrave, the brother of one of her close friends (this friend, Millicent, suffers violently at the hands of her own husband). Walter initially appears sympathetic to Helen’s plight and critical of her husband, but Helen (rightly) mistrusts him. Hargrave is what today we might call a Nice Guy(tm). He tries to ingratiate himself with Helen not because is truly her friend, but because he wants to be her lover, and he berates her when she refuses him. Hargrave never directly states his intentions so Helen cannot directly reject him, but she regularly implies that she would not be receptive to his romantic overtures and does not want to hear them. After discovering her husband having sex with his his mistress, Helen tries to take a moment alone in her library. Hargrave follows her into the room and Helen writes that he “boldly made to intercept me at the door†before grabbing her and launching into a confession of his feelings. He propositions Helen and attempts to play on her vulnerable situation to convince her to become his mistress. Helen describes how he refuses to take no for an answer: “I snatched away the hand he had presumed to seize and press between his own. But he was in for it now; he had fairly broken the barrier: he was completely roused, and determined to hazard all for victory. ‘I must not be denied,’ exclaimed he vehemently; and seizing both my hands, he held them very tight … ‘Let me go, Mr Hargrave!’ said I sternly. But he only tightened his grasp. ‘Let me go!’ I repeated, quivering with indignation.†This scene, an escalation of even Huntingtons abuses, reads as shocking in its directness, even now. It is, irrefutably, a thwarted rape. Helen extracts herself, only to have Hargraveâ€" calling her his angel and his divinityâ€" lunge for her again. It isnt until she literally pulls a knife on him to defend herself that he releases her. And when she does, she notes his reaction with satisfaction: he stood and gazed at me in astonishment; I dare say I looked as fierce and resolute as he. As with Huntington, Helen is indignant, fierce, resolute â€" angry. Hargrave and Huntington are certainly responsible for the worst of the manipulation and abuse Helen suffers, but not for all of it. One of the most complicated aspects of Brontës novel and certainly the most difficult to reconcile is the extent to which the co-narrator and ostensible romantic leads treatment of Helen mirrors her treatment at the hands of the novels obvious villains. Grappling with how and to what extent Brontë is turning her critical eye on Gilbert would be another essay entirely, but it is worth noting the striking similarities in how Brontë depicts these scenes of groping and declarations of ownership â€" down to the repeated, specific use of the word seize. Its also worth remembering Brontës stated commitment to depicting vice as it is and not as it would like to appear. Seen in this light, Gilberts behaviour becomes, perhaps, Brontës own iteration, perhaps, of yes, all men. Like both Helens husband and her would-be-lover, Gilbert deliberately ignores Helen’s indirect but unmistakable efforts to rebuff him. When he enters Helens hope uninvited he notes she seemed agitated, and even dismayed at my arrival†and later, after confessing his feelings, he admits to Helen “ ‘You could not have given me less encouragement.’†Gilberts letters recalling this period reveals that he has convinced himself Helen rejected him, not because she meant it, but because it gives her pleasure to do so. In other words, she may have said no, but he knows she means yes. Gilbert’s romantic confession bears all the hallmarks of Helens similar crises with the other two men. By his own account he holds her against her will and tells her she belongs to him. He describes in his letter: “ ‘you must â€" you shall be mine!’ And starting from my seat in a frenzy of ardor, I seized her hand and would have pressed it to my lips, but she suddenly caught it away.†Helen does not have to threaten to stab Gilbert to get him to leave, but she does have to ask him four times before he finally agrees to go. Before he leaves, he seizes her hand again and gives it the kiss she previously struggled against. There was an almost uncanny resonance to reading these scenes: a woman grabbed, held against her will, forced to endure a mans kisses, and forced to hear him tell her he owns her and will do what he likes. As accusations of sexual assault against Donald Trump have mounted over the past few weeks, sexual assault â€" not only penetrative rape but molestation, groping, and forced kisses â€"has been the subject of sustained conversation. The wider context in which these assaults occur felt uncomfortably familiar as well: one in which a woman’s account will not be believed without a man’s supporting testimony and in which a woman who has already suffered violations is forced to open herself up to further humiliation and expose the details of her pain before anyone will believe or help her. Moments before Helen is forced to draw a knife on Hargrave, he attempts to manipulate Helen into becoming his mistress by flatly telling her that no one will believe she is fleeing her husband alone; everyone will assume she has a lover, so she might as well take him. When he notices one of Helens husbands friends has been spying on them, Hargrave is gleeful, taunting her with the fact that in the eyes of the world, her virtue is now lost. The truth will not matter. It’s despicable, but it isn’t entirely incorrect. Mere minutes later Huntington arrive and curses Helen for her infidelity. Helen is indignant and forcefully denies yielding to Hargrave, but their friends all snicker disbelievingly. It is only when she calls Hargrave back to vouch for her and when the other men see his anger evident on his face that they believe her. It takes a mans testimony to make it true. Later, when Helen confides in her brother Frederick that she plans to leave her husband, she is forced to go into painful, humiliating detail about the abuse she suffers from her husband to convince Frederick to help her escape: “[H]e looked upon my project as wild and impracticable; he deemed my fears for Arthur disproportionate to the circumstances, and opposed so many objections to my plan, and devised so many milder methods for ameliorating my condition, that I was obliged to enter into further details to convince him that my husband was utterly incorrigible.†Even Helens own brother doesnt believe her. Even he wants proof. The language here â€" wild, disproportionate, ameliorate â€" is all too familiar. This same phrasing crops up whenever a woman appears on the news telling her story: shes crazy. Shes exaggerating. Okay maybe he did it, but isnt she carrying on just a little too much? ********** I have had to update this several times in the process of writing it, but at the time of submission, eleven women have come forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault. It has been plastered across the news around the world and is nigh inescapable in North American media. We have all heard, straight from his own mouth, that he loves to grab women by their genitals and forcibly kiss them. We have heard him say you can do whatever you want to a woman when you have a certain kind of power. We have heard some of his victims describe the ways in which he grabbed their bodies or forced them against a wall or held them down and forced his tongue in their mouths. We have heard him then turn around and call these women liars. We have heard people believe him. To see these same scenarios play out in Brontës novel one hundred and seventy years ago makes it painfully clear how little has changed. When I read a novel set in a time when women couldn’t vote, own property, or have custody of their children and I realize that an quick update of Brontës nineteenth-century prose could see any one of the scenes she depicts published in todays news, Im angry. When I see that twenty-first century “locker rooms†(or buses or airplanes) are little safer for women than nineteenth-century drawing rooms, I’m furious. Anne Brontë died a few short years after publishing The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. She did not live to see legislative changes including the Matrimonial Causes Act or Married Womens Property Act of 1870. She did not live to see the slow hard-won changes to society and law that would have saved the character she wrote and the women she wrote for so much pain. I do not know if she died with a small part of her still angry about the truths she illuminated with her book. All I know is that she wasn’t as mild as she seemed. All I know is if we judge her by the words on the page, her anger did not seem the fading kind. Great literature resonates; it reaches across time and space and sets your heart ringing like a bell. Great literature urges you to see yourself in someone else and someone else in you. I would never want a great novel to lose that power. But rereading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and hearing the clarion call of Anne Brontë’s anger pealing in time with my own, I cant help but hope that a time will come when this particular story will resonate just a little less. I hope that one day women will read these passages and see nothing of their life at all. I hope I get to see it in my lifetime. Until then, Ill stay angry.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Greek s Education System - 1173 Words
The Greek’s education system was heavily influenced by tradition, externally and internally. Externally, the Greek’s education was affected because of the reinforcement and promotion of classical studies. Classical studies included subjects similar to Classical Greek Literature, grammar, history, and religion. Since the majority of the teaching time allotted was for literature, it made a huge impact on the education system since it left such a minuscule amount of time to teach mathematics. Internally, one of the main reasons that math has survived in Greek education system was because of â€Å"its flourish during antiquity (Gagatsis, Demetriadou 106).†Meaning that math grew during a time period of greatness in Greece and therefore was highly accepted because it â€Å"serves as an image of the glorious past (Gagatsis, Demetriadou 106).†Because the Greek’s education system was influenced by tradition, they favored traditional geometry over vec tor geometry because it made the students use logical procedure. When doing a study with different Greek students, they seem to have split into three different categories of learning. The first group of students were strongly influenced by previous teachings. They seem to fit into traditional thinking of the early Greek system. The second group of students supported vector methods and used them in solving geometry problems. They appreciated the standard ways of vector geometry- â€Å"therefore the dependency on theory and strict procedureShow MoreRelatedThe Conviction Of Christian Parents784 Words  | 4 Pagesprovide their children with the Bible-based moral education in a pagan Roman society was a driving force behind the Christian school education that emerged in the early centuries. When Christians were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire after the destruction of Jerusalem, Christian parents - both Jewish and Gentile- faced a dilemma for their children s education. T he Jewish people had a long history of their commitment to the spiritual education of their children. They were the first to establishRead MoreSparta Vs Athens Vs. Athens1722 Words  | 7 PagesAthens The two dominating Greek city states, Sparta and Athens, have there own strengths that make them the strongest throughout Greece. Sparta is located in the southeastern Peloponnesus, in an area known as Laconia (Spielvogel 53). 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Organizational Values Essay - 914 Words
An aligned organization is one which their performance influences are mutually supportive and focuses on effective and efficient delivery of system. Values play an important role in an organization and leads to success. To attain a successful alignment between individual and corporate values, there needs to be a connection between the employee and the organization in which he or she works for. The benefits contain significant value to both the organization as well as the employee. The decision individual makes reflect their personal beliefs about what is important for them and the decision organization make reflect their personal belief about what they think is important. The personal and organizational value develops based on the†¦show more content†¦Taking time to listen to and understand patients experiences convey a message that patients feeling cared for and respected. Through communication a patient can be reassured and understand their sickness fully. Once, when I worked as a charge nurse, a patient wanted to inform me about something. She told me that her assigned nurse was not giving pain medication on correct time, and demanded for a different nurse. When I talked to the assigned nurse she told me that she gave all pain medication on time and that patient was ready to be discharged but the problem as that the patient didn’t want to leave. I checked the medication administration record and it indicated that the nurse gave all the medication on time. I didn’t change the assigned nurse instead I decided to take care of the patient. I talked with the patient asked her why she doesn’t want to go home. She replied saying that the pharmacy she gets her medication from is closed on Saturday and Sunday and she cannot get her discharge medication until Monday. She also complained about not having any ride back home after being discharged. I called the social worker and she arranged to get her medication for the pati ent from hospital’s charity for few days and also provided the patient with a cab voucher. I called the cab and discharged the patient home without any problem. The way I handled this situation was byShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Values Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational Values Presentation (Benchmark Assessment) Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem-solving. 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Culture Is Often Overlooked Within Understanding How Employees Behave.1032 Words  | 5 PagesThe Key to HRM is the link between organizational activities, employees and business strategy. Culture is often overlooked within understanding how employees behave. Stone (2010, p. 4) defines human resource management (HRM) to have a focus on managing people within employer and employee relationship. There is a specific link between the productive use of people achieving the organization’s strategic business objectives of which involve a certain time frame and the satisfaction of individualRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Organizational Culture1392 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Organizational culture is very important because it is all about the beliefs, philosophy, principles and morals that every individuals will share within an organization. Furthermore, organizational culture brings unity, loyalty, direction, competition and identity in an organizational and making it an influential element in the accomplishment of the organization. Therefore, it has a powerful influence on the individuals because it sways how employees should act, dress and execute their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Coffee and Tea Free Essays
Coffee and Tea Coffee and tea have existed in the world for a long time. Hundreds of years ago, people who lived in South America started to produce coffee, but the earliest drink likes coffee was made by ancient Arabian. They thought it was a kind of medicine used for stomach. We will write a custom essay sample on Coffee and Tea or any similar topic only for you Order Now After the 15th century, coffee was spread to other countries such as Egypt and Ottoman Empire by Muslims who were back from Hajj, while in ancient China, Chinese people started to make tea about 3000 years ago. Because of nice environment and weather, the first part of tea plants was discovered in southwest China. After, drink tea became an important culture of Chinese people, and tea began to spread into countries near China. Coffee and tea are similar, but different in some specific area. First, coffee and tea are similar but different in population. People from all around the world like them. For example, British people used to drink a cup of tea with some snacks when they have a rest in the afternoon. Western people enjoy drinking black tea, and some of them mix it with milk to make milky tea. Likewise, most people like drinking coffee, for it often tastes good. In China, more and more people began to drink coffee, and some of whom want to taste better coffee like blue mountain coffee. However, although these two drinks are both popular around the world, coffee is still drunk most by western people, while the most quantity of tea is used in East Asia. People lived in China, Japan, and Korea regarded tea as the main drink. Second, coffee and tea are similar but different in function. Both coffee and tea can refresh people because there is a kind of chemical matter, which is caffeine in both of them. This chemical matter can be used for nerves to make a person feel awake and lively. Also, some experts said that black coffee and green tea can help a person lose weight. But, in contrast, tea has some more functions due to another kind of chemical matter which can’t be found in coffee. This chemical matter that named tea polyphenol whose ability is to relieve the effect that is made by poison. Finally, coffee and tea have similarity and difference in origination. Both of them are made from plants. Thousands of years ago, people lived in Africa planted coffee trees in succeed, and now, Brazil has the most coffee trees in the world. In south of China, there are a lot of terraced fields that grow tea trees. On the other hand, people use leaves from tea to make tea, while they use fruits from coffee plants to make coffee. To sum up, coffee and tea are similar in their population, function, and origination, while they are different of their use in different place, their different chemical matter, and their different material. I suggest that people should drink both coffee and tea so that they can be healthier. How to cite Coffee and Tea, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Cyber Attacks Computer Security Breaches †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Cyber Attacks Computer Security Breaches? Answer: Introduction It is not that uncommon to hear that voters data bases has been exposed or breached somewhere around the world. However, a massive breach which affected the lives of a whopping 198 million US voters is something unheard off. This was one of the largest data exposure in the history of USA, where the Cyber Risk Team who enquired into it found out that personal details of over 198 million of American voters were up on the web. It was later known that a firm who were working for Donald Trump had accidently triggered the massive leak. The event On June 19, 2017 UpGuards cyber risk analyst Chris Vickery found an open cloud repository as he was looking for some misconfigured data sources for his company. The repository which was an Amazon Web Service S3 bucket did not have any firewall and was easily accessible to common mass of people (Varia Mathew, 2014). Anyone using the internet could have had access to the files which helped Donald Trump become the president by simply going to the Amazon sub domain: dra-dw. Dra-dw usually is known as Deep root Analytics Data Warehouse and is quite common in businesses nowadays. It is actually a huge collection of data which are used for very complex calculations. The leak could have led to a widespread breach in security if Vickery had not noticed it and notified the concerned authorities (Pfleeger Caputo, 2012). Deep Root Analytics revealed that they were in charge of the bucket which was later secured against public access. There was 1.1 terabytes of data in the dra-dw which is an amount which is close to 500 hours of video. It could be downloaded and the amount of data accessible was huge. In addition to this there was 24 terbabytes of data which was stored but these were prevented from public access. Ultimately the data stored in the misconfigured database was equal to 10 billion pages of text (Brodie, Mylopoulos Schmidt, 2012). The people whose details were compromised The ones that were accessible however, had detailed profiles of 198 million registered voters which meant that almost everybody who were eligible to vote in 2016 election were there (Fowler, 2015). It exposed people right from locations in Mexico and Phillippines to that in Georgia. The information on the voters to dated back to more than 10 years. However, this information that was leaked was not stolen by hackers. It was moved to a server which did not have the necessary security (Solms Niekerk, 2013). According to Vickery there was not even a password to protect it. Any man, woman, child with the link could click on it and have every information on all voters in America. Vickery says the data came from different sources and were merged together by the analytics company. Some of these information were publicly available like in voter rolls. Others came from social networks and consulting groups like Kantar Research and PACs. When Deep Root was asked by Forbes as to how the leak happened they said that they were conducting an internal review and have brought in cyber security firm Stroz Friedberg to make an in-depth investigation (Wang Lu 2013). This is a type of leak which can happen anytime despite measures being taken. These information can be damaging at times for people. Even though it is not a work done by the hackers, and are misconfigurations relating to servers, these lead to such cybersecurity risks (Zhang et al., 2014). The files started with the voters first and last names, therefore there was no way to mask the identities of the voters. The files also revealed a lot of more data like the voters address, mailing address, phone number, registered party, demography, date of birth, voter registration status and also if they are on the Do Not Call list. Also given were the religion and ethnicity of the voter. Remedies to such leaks To avoid such a leak again analysts point to a few remedies which can help in lessening the number of misconfigured servers which exposes private data on the web. Next people need to be made aware about these leaks. Organizations will have to be motivated to build resources such as setting up servers and maintaining them properly. Another step can be to make default settings for databases in the cloud tighter so that security cannot be compromised (Refsdal, Solhaug Stlen, 2015). Some security companies have already started creating software which can scan systems setup and warn tech people if something lies unprotected or gets exposed. This is something that UpGuard did in the case to avoid the leak from wreaking havoc. This case joins other database misconfiguration incidents like the Hollywood screener system, Microsoft sites and dating services. The exposure has raised quite a few questions on security and privacy of Americans. This also happened at a time when there had been a lot of cyber assaults in the country against state voter databases. What is quite troubling is that such a huge national database of voters was created and placed online without even the simplest protections against public access. It also questions the roles and responsibilities of private organizations who are in charge to maintain these confidential data. One only shudders to think what could have happened had the data got into the hands of criminals. Identity theft, fraud, corporate marketing spam, advanced political targeting could all have been possible with 198 million of American voters. Any of these information which were leaked can be easily prevented if the organizations holding such data can obey a few simple rules before uploading them on the databases. First six months of 2017 faced an unexpected number of cyber-protection challenges. Among many was the scary launch of the WannaCry ransomware, critically targeting the Microsoft Windows operating systems (Shoukry et al., 2017). This report in particular highlights the impact of the ransomware and possible defenses against the attack, presented by analysts and researchers. Vulnerability in the traits of Microsoft operating system proved to be beneficial for the hackers.The ransomware in discussion operated in a mode to encrypt the main file system of a system and potentially claimed ransom in bit-coins, a currency in Crypto-currency, a digital infrastructure for payments. Precisely on 12 May 2017, the world witnessed the release and impact of this attack, with continuation until 15th of the month (Martin, Kinross Hankin, 2017). Reports of infected computers, the approx total being 230,000 emerged out to media. The ransomware benefited from the existing limitation of Microsoft earlie r discovered by National Security Agency (NSA), which took advantage of the same for their self-offensive commandments. The hackers in a way leaked this flaw, to spread the malware widely for monetary gain by blocking access to a file system. As a first step towards blocking, this malware successfully disguises as software, projecting the threat to the user of encrypted files and of the blocked access with a payment demand and deletion warning. Alongside with directions of the mode of payment and designated addresses for the same was provided to the user. Analysts held a case study to coat this ransomware as a worm, as this was projecting a similar transfer mechanism infecting systems around gradually. The codes of operation involved the detection of vulnerability present in MS systems, which is Eternal Blue to develop access to systems. Hackers, for next attempt, invented a variant of WannaCry, Mirai. Europol conducted a study to discover about 200,000 computers being infected over 150 countries approximately (ODowd, 2017). Kaspersky lab presented inventory results about the majorly affected regions including Russia, Ukraine, India and Taiwan. National Health Services (NHS) located in England and Scotland was adversely affected. Numerous public utilities approximately amounting to 70,000 ranging from computers, MRI-Scanners, blood storage refrigerators to other theatrical equipments (Collier, 2017). Emergencies got terminated, ambulance services were halted, relative to NHS, even in Wales and Ireland retuned from work. Grand organizations as Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK in Tyne Wear, England called the production off for the day; similarly, Renault Company also stopped the production to avoid any system-risks (Mattei, 2017). Absence of Microsoft updated versions in organization left them pore to the attack in a more adverse way, since no security patches were released for the XP versions ever since April 2014. Cyence configured a financial loss estimated to be about 44 billion while others derived a loss summing up to $130,634.77 surrounding 327 payments in relevance to the ransomware release. WannaCry initiated the attack in Asia as reported. SMB provided the ransomware the access to the main system, which was automated to spread through various networks. The malware proceeds following certain steps, to gain access to the systems around. Firstly, the malware performs a scan on the systems to detect kill-Switch domain. In its absence it becomes easier for the malware to encrypt the files. The ransom enclosed a sum of $300 when paid within 3 days while it escalated up to $600 in limit of 7 days through bit-coins. Web- addresses assigned for the collection of the payments had labels wallets to register the money (Gandhi, 2017). Three distinct segments are present in relevance to the execution of the malware. The initial display is the Payload (mssecsvc.exe): this program performs the encryption of the files and results in malicious activities. Next is the ransom program (taskche.exe): as recorded the program itself withholds an encrypted key, the decrypt part is secured with the attacker, which is enabled to decrypt both the sub-private as well as public key and saves the same. AES key potentially encrypts the file contents as M2, which is destined to be saved as M1. This collaborated version contains a header WANNACRY. Finally, the ransom program- (@WannaDecrypt@.exe): provides information about the demands to be fulfilled in bit-coins (Mohurle, Patil, 2017). The remedy Marcus Hutchins, a tech-security expert, situated in England built successfully a vaccine against this termed as kill-Switch, a formerly registered domain technique reducing the wild spread of the malware. This domain effectively terminates the software. To prevent its transfer in quarantined devices this particular domain was present in the malware-codes. This was not able to cure infected alignments but surely limited the spread in North America and Asia. Several experts from universities of London and Boston claimed resolutions to the impact of the attack (Knobel, 2017). Based on the use of AES key to decrypt RSA sub-private key, researchers discovered tools namely, WannaKey and WannaKiwi providing help to retrieve keys of concern, former for Windows XP and later for Windows 7 and 2008 R2 systems. Conclusion Analysis of the reports, help us conclude that the intensity of the attack and the leaked vulnerabilities of the systems resulted in the enactment of updates for Windows versions. As a self-security, avoidance of suspicious sites with malicious behaviors is necessary. Finally, payment regarding a ransomware should not be supported as it encourages hackers. Prevention before cure should be the mantra. Updated versions should be in notice of the users to protect their valuable file system. Solutions by the analysts, towards this malware were commendable. Risk-management should be promoted. References: Brodie, M. L., Mylopoulos, J., Schmidt, J. W. (Eds.). (2012). On conceptual modelling: Perspectives from artificial intelligence, databases, and programming languages. Springer Science Business Media. Collier, R. (2017). NHS ransomware attack spreads worldwide. Fowler, A. (2015). Regular voters, marginal voters and the electoral effects of turnout. Political Science Research and Methods, 3(2), 205-219. Gandhi, K. A. (2017). Survey on Ransomware: A New Era of Cyber Attack.International Journal of Computer Applications,168(3). Knobel, A. (2017). Technology and online beneficial ownership registries: easier to create companies and better at preventing financial crimes. Martin, G., Kinross, J., Hankin, C. (2017). Effective cybersecurity is fundamental to patient safety. Mattei, T. A. (2017). Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security of Health Care Information: Lessons from the Recent WannaCry Cyberattack.World Neurosurgery,104, 972-974. Mohurle, S., Patil, M. (2017). A brief study of Wannacry Threat: Ransomware Attack 2017.International Journal,8(5). ODowd, A. (2017). NHS patient data security is to be tightened after cyberattack. Pfleeger, S. L., Caputo, D. D. (2012). Leveraging behavioral science to mitigate cyber security risk. Computers security, 31(4), 597-611. Refsdal, A., Solhaug, B., Stlen, K. (2015). Cyber-risk management. 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